BIIGLE Data Quality Checks
Biigle video annotation report (zipped)
ROV tracking data
*Requires tracking data with fields: 'Datetime', 'ROV_Latitude_loess', 'ROV_Longitude_loess', 'Altitude_m', 'Depth_m'
Frame width (pixels)
Frame height (pixels)
Laser distance (cm)
1) Select the input files from your local file system and wait for uploads to complete
2) Check that the default values are correct
3) Hit the process button and wait...
4) Select a table or figure to display in the main panel
5) Download the processed data (if desired)
*Note: Each time you close the app, you will have to start from step one.
Select table or figure to display:
Table: Annotation report summary
Table: Laser Point annotations that are not LineStrings
Table: Laser Point annotations with more than one line segment
Table: Lables and their corresponding shapes
Table: Annotations contained within "not annotated" segments
Table: Dives names missing from NDST tracking data
Table: Large field of view estimates (over 20m^2)
Figure: Annotation timeline
Figure: Amount of video annotated by dive
Figure: Amount of video annotated by annotator
Figure: Number of annotations by label type by dive
Figure: Number of annotations by label type by annotator
Figure: Number of shape type annotations by annotator
Figure: Number of Laser Point annotations by dive
Figure: Field of view estimates at Laser Points by dive
Figure: Field of view v. Altitude at Laser Points