Annotation Database Deployment

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Functional Overview

This is a brief description of the services operating on the server, how they fit together and how they're configured. More detailed on each piece will eventually be available below.


Nginx is the front door of the server and all of the applications hosted there. Nginx can serve static files, redirect a request to other hosts, or behave as a proxy for other services on the same machine (this simply means that it forwards requests to another server while behaving as if it were the server itself). Most importantly, Nginx serves as a load-balancer: it is able to respond to high volumes of traffic, or failures in other services by redirecting or providing clients with information about failures.

By convention, Nginx configuration files are stored in /etc/nginx/sites-available and linked to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled to activate them. This provides an easy way to take services offline without deleting the original file, but also prevents the proliferation of different versions of a file. When the file is edited in sites-available, those changes are automatically reflected in the copy in sites-enabled.

One can also link files directly from the repository to sites-enabled but one should be very careful using this strategy, as breaking changes in the repo will automatically break the server -- a bad idea in production!

The files used by the ROV database site for configuration are msea.nginx and mseastage.nginx. The former is used for production, the latter for a staging site where changes are tested before deployment. These are renamed to msea and mseastage when they're deployed into the server. The .nginx extension is just for easy identification in the repo.

IP Filtering

Because some parts of the site are not open to the public, we need an IP filtering block that can be included into a location block in the configuration. The file is called ipfilter.nginx.

Wiki Configuration

This site uses MediaWiki and runs on an Apache instance which receives requests through Nginx, for the sake of convenience. Configuration is described on the MediaWiki site.


uWSGI (i.e., micro-WSGI) is a Python application server which receives proxy requests from Nginx. Rather than running Django as a standalone application as one would in development, uWSGI configures an environment and loads the application into memory, reserving memory and processes to handle requests. uWSGI is configured to receive requests through a socket file stored in the /tmp directory.

The configuration path structure for uWSGI is similar to that of Nginx. Application configuration files are stored in /etc/uwsgi/apps-available and linked into /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled. For each of the msea and mseastage sites mentioned in the Nginx section above, there is a corresponding Django app, configured by msea_uwsgi.ini, mseastage_uwsgi.ini.

The following example shows an Nginx configuration which forwards requests to the ReST API, a Django application:

       # API endpoint.
       location /api {
               uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/uwsgi_msea.sock;
               include uwsgi_params;
               uwsgi_read_timeout 300s;
               client_max_body_size 64m;

The uwsgi_pass directive instructs the server to forward requests to the given socket file.

The corresponding uWSGI configuration follows:

   plugin = python3
   venv = /var/msea/.venv
   home = /var/msea/.venv
   chdir = /var/msea/
   env =
   master = True
   log-master = True
   vacuum = True
   max-requests = 5000
   module = main.wsgi:application
   workers = 2
   socket = /tmp/uwsgi_msea.sock
   py-autoreload = 1
   uid = www-data
   gid = www-data

Notice the socket directive, which is identical to the socket file in the Nginx location block.

The venv and home directives point to a Python virtual environment directory, which must have Django and all other dependencies installed in it (a requirements file is a good idea). Note that the plugin directive points to python3, which is the system Python. This is used to set up the uWSGI environment, even though the user would use python/pip when using venv on the command line.

The module directive points to the Django application. In this case, the Django project is called main (the project name is the name of the folder with the file in it). Within the file, the application instance is created as application. Note that in some documentation and example configurations, the instance is named app, which is incorrect. Open and verify the name of the application instance.

The settings directive points to the application settings. Like the module directive, it points to the project's root module (main) and the settings submodule (settings). The ROV database application has several sub-submodules, but most applications will only have one, similar to main.settings.

Python Requirements

The requirements file is used by the install script to configure the virtual environment used by uWSGI to serve the application. This file is output by pip freeze.


The database, utilities and website are all stored in the same git repository, which is checked out on the server machine and deployed using a single script, The script is run from the command line, at which point it will prompt the user to type stage or prod. If the former, the application is deployed to the staging environment; if the latter, it is deployed to the production environment.

Two switches are available:

  • -v will recompile and install the Vue code.
  • -r will reinstall the Python libraries required by the application.

If neither of these steps are required, the installation can be run without them. This is appropriate when only the backend code has been updated.

The database is not automatically updated by the install script. To deploy the database, follow the instructions on the Annotation Database page.

Tile Server Configuration

The map tile server runs on an Apache instance which receives requests through Nginx. The tile server configuration is described here.

Firewall Configuration

A script, is run by the install script to reconfigure the firewall so that only necessary services are available to the world.

The exclusion of IPs external to DFO is not performed by the firewall because some services must be available to external users.