Linking to SeaTube
SeaTube hosts video streams and data from dives conducted by Fisheries and Oceans and other marine science organisations. Each dive in the annotation database, and each timestamped observation and measurement, can be linked to a precise time in a video stream on SeaTube.
SeaTube dive IDs can be added to each dive record by setting the SeaTube ID field during import or updating it afterwards.
SeaTube dives are linked from the cruises page and from the observations page. On the cruises page, if the SeaTube ID is set for the dive, a link will open a new tab to the SeaTube site and display the video and data outputs from the start of the dive. For individual records on the observations page (position, measurements, annotations, comments, etc.) the link will open the same page, but start the video and data streams from the exact time of the observation.
To find the SeaTube dive ID, navigate to the Expedition Management page and click through the tree menu on the left until you find the relevant dive. Click on the play button next to the dive and observe the URL that opens in a new tab. For example, in the following URL, the resourceId parameter (13100) is the dive ID. This is the value that will be set on the dive in the annotation database.