Annotation Database Import App

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Revision as of 18:29, 5 December 2023 by Rob (talk | contribs) (Main config file documentation.)
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Data for import is produced by principal investigators, annotators and NDST. As a final step, the importer will combine all of this data into a single importable dataset.

There are three steps for this final import process.

Downloading Import Data

The database import queue page displays lists of jobs configured by principal investigators, annotators and NDST using their respective tools. You will see a table containing jobs for Principal Investigators and Annotators. Click the download button beside each one to download a JSON file containing the job data for the cruise you wish to import.

The NDST section has a button labeled, "Refresh from NDST Database". This will load the data from the Dive Logging App into a transitional table in the main database. If new equipment or personnel have been created in the Dive Logging App, a table for each will appear that will allow you to map the new equipment onto an extant piece of hardware in the database, or a new person into the personnel table. If the person or equipment haven't been created yet, you can create them by clicking the "+" button.

Below this, you will find a table marked "Current Cruises" containing complete metadata for the cruise, dives, transects, personnel and equipment configurations. Download the file for the cruise you'll be importing.

Configuration Files

The import program uses JSON configuration files. The main configuration file, named config.json by convention.

The main config file provides some configuration values, and also provides links to other configuration files, which load and configure specific chunks of importable data.

Main Configuration File Contents
Name Type Required Description
iqa_file string Yes, if there are annotations. The configuration file generated by the Annotation Database Import for Annotators app.
iqpi_file string Yes The configuration file generated by the Annotation Database Import for Principal Investigators app.
ndst_file string Yes The configuration file generated from the NDST Dive Logging App.
csv_configs string[] Yes, if there are CSV annotations One or more files containing configurations for annotation in CSV format. See the config file description below.
status_configs string[] Yes, if there are status events One or more files containing configurations for status events in CSV format. See the config file description below.
measurement_configs string[] Yes, if there are measurement events One or more files containing configurations for measurement events in CSV format. See the config file description below.
stream_configs string[] Yes, if there are navigation or telemetry streams One or more files containing configurations for data streams in CSV format. See the config file description below.
comment_configs string[] Yes, if there are comments One or more files containing configurations for comments in CSV format. See the config file description below.
media_path string No The root URL for a site to which relative media paths can be appended to access the media.

The name of a file, relative to this file, containing observations (of habitat, species, etc.) which have been mapped using the Label Mapping app. The mappings are contained in the iqa_file file.